The Old Girls Association (OGA) has a long and proud history. Established in 1921, we celebrate 100 years in 2021.
The OGA's purpose is To grow lifelong School connections.
Our Strategies are: Growth; Contribution; Engagement; Legacy; Wellbeing.
Epsom Girls Grammar School Alumnae reside all around New Zealand and the world.
Being part of the OGA is a great way to keep in touch with classmates from your era as well as remain connected to your School.
We'd love you to be an active part of this vibrant organisation that embraces our EGGS Schooldays and enables connections near and far.
Welcome from the OGA
Connecting alumnae, supporting the School and providing student scholarships, the OGA are active partners of EGGS.
Read MoreNews
We produce regular newsletters which are sent out to the Old Girls by email. The latest versions are also available to download under the Read More tab.
Read MoreArchives
The OGA, in association with the School, maintains extensive Archives. We have an Archive Room which houses all sorts of treasures.
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